Saturday, January 22, 2011

I Have Nothing In My Life

     When something happen to me makes me to think twice what have I did before the ‘something’ happens. And when I got into trouble make me wonder it is right what I’m doing right now? Something quite weird in my life and I wonder again what is it. After take a lot of time of thinking now I realized that all things that happen is from me from my mistakes. When I grow and grow I learn from my mistakes but I did it again and again and again. When the time like this will end and cover up with the new era and life that will cheer me every single of time. I want to be a happy boy ever but when I will be true? Sometime I’m look at myself, what I have now? Nothing, I have nothing. No money, no car, no credit card, no house, no job, no 125z, no what I want and more 'no' than I have it.

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